(OOPL6) Inheritance

(OOPL6) Inheritance


Student Subclasses

import java.util.*; class Student { String name; int[] marks = new int[5]; int total, average; Student() { this.assign(); this.compute(); } void assign() { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter student name: "); this.name = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter marks in 5 subjects: "); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { this.marks[i] = scanner.nextInt(); } } void compute() { this.total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.marks.length; i++) { this.total += this.marks[i]; } this.average = this.total / this.marks.length; System.out.println("Total and average marks computed."); } void display() { System.out.println("Name: " + this.name); System.out.println("Total Marks: " + this.total); System.out.println("Average Marks: " + this.average); } } class ScienceStudent extends Student { private int practicalMarks; ScienceStudent(int practicalMarks) { super(); this.practicalMarks = practicalMarks; this.compute(); } int displayPracticalMarks() { return this.practicalMarks; } void compute() { super.compute(); this.total += this.practicalMarks; this.average = (this.average + this.practicalMarks) / 2; } } class ArtsStudent extends Student { private int electiveMarks; ArtsStudent(int electiveMarks) { super(); this.electiveMarks = electiveMarks; this.compute(); } int displayElectiveMarks() { return this.electiveMarks; } void compute() { super.compute(); this.total += this.electiveMarks; this.average = (this.average + this.electiveMarks) / 2; } } public class StudentSubclasses { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("--- STUDENT ---"); Student student = new Student(); student.display(); System.out.println("--- SCIENCE STUDENT ---"); ScienceStudent scienceStudent = new ScienceStudent(90); scienceStudent.display(); System.out.println("--- ARTS STUDENT ---"); ArtsStudent artsStudent = new ArtsStudent(90); artsStudent.display(); } }
PS F:\oopsies> --- STUDENT --- Enter student name: Abhigyan Trips Enter marks in 5 subjects: 90 91 92 93 94 Total and average marks computed. Name: Abhigyan Trips Total Marks: 460 Average Marks: 92 --- SCIENCE STUDENT --- Enter student name: Tripathi Enter marks in 5 subjects: 95 94 93 92 91 Total and average marks computed. Total and average marks computed. Name: Tripathi Total Marks: 555 Average Marks: 91 --- ARTS STUDENT --- Enter student name: Yogesh Enter marks in 5 subjects: 89 84 99 99 99 Total and average marks computed. Total and average marks computed. Name: Yogesh Total Marks: 560 Average Marks: 92

Employee Subclasses

import java.util.*; class Employee { String name; String id; double basic = 0; Employee() { this.read(); } void read() { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter employee name: "); this.name = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter employee ID: "); this.id = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter basic salary: "); this.basic = scanner.nextInt(); } void display() { System.out.println("Name: " + this.name); System.out.println("ID: " + this.id); System.out.println("Net Salary: Rs. " + this.basic); } } class PartTimeEmployee extends Employee { int hoursWorked; static final double hourlyRate = 1200; PartTimeEmployee(Scanner scanner) { System.out.println("Enter hours worked:"); this.hoursWorked = scanner.nextInt(); this.compute(); } void compute() { this.basic = hourlyRate * hoursWorked; } void display() { super.display(); System.out.println("Hours Worked: " + this.hoursWorked); System.out.println("Hourly Rate: Rs. " + PartTimeEmployee.hourlyRate); } } class FullTimeEmployee extends Employee { double bonus, deductions; FullTimeEmployee(Scanner scanner) { System.out.println("Enter bonus:"); this.bonus = scanner.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter deductions: "); this.deductions = scanner.nextDouble(); } void display() { super.display(); System.out.println("Bonus: Rs. " + this.bonus); System.out.println("Deductions: Rs. " + this.deductions); } } public class EmployeeSubclasses { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("--- EMPLOYEE ---"); Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.display(); System.out.println("--- PART-TIME EMPLOYEE ---"); PartTimeEmployee partTimeEmp = new PartTimeEmployee(scanner); partTimeEmp.display(); System.out.println("--- FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE ---"); FullTimeEmployee fullTimeEmp = new FullTimeEmployee(scanner); fullTimeEmp.display(); } }

Person, College & Graduate

class Person { private String name; private String dateOfBirth; Person(String name, String dateOfBirth) { this.name = name; this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; } String getName() { return this.name; } String getDateOfBirth() { return this.dateOfBirth; } } class College extends Person { private double cgpa; College(String name, String dateOfBirth, double cgpa) { super(name, dateOfBirth); this.cgpa = cgpa; } double getCgpa() { return this.cgpa; } } class Graduate extends College { private String dateOfGrad; Graduate(String name, String dateOfBirth, double cgpa, String dateofGrad) { super(name, dateOfBirth, cgpa); this.dateOfGrad = dateofGrad; } String getDateOfGrad() { return this.dateOfGrad; } void display() { System.out.println("Name: " + this.getName()); System.out.println("Date of Birth: " + this.getDateOfBirth()); System.out.println("CGPA: " + this.getCgpa()); System.out.println("Date of Graduation: " + this.getDateOfGrad()); } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Graduate grad = new Graduate("Abhigyan", "15/11/2004", 8.52, "22/07/2026"); grad.display(); } }

Building, House & School

class Building { private int squareFootage; private int stories; Building(int squareFootage, int stories) { this.squareFootage = squareFootage; this.stories = stories; } } class House extends Building { private int bhk; House(int squareFootage, int stories, int bhk) { super(squareFootage, stories); this.bhk = bhk; } } class School extends Building { private int classes; private String level; School(int squareFootage, int stories, int classes, String level) { super(squareFootage, stories); this.classes = classes; this.level = level; } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { House house = new House(3200, 2, 4); School school = new School(20000, 5, 20, "Elementary"); } }